• Serzhanova Viktoriya Faculty of Law and Administration University of Rzeszow (Poland)


Abstract The paper aims at analyzing a modern model of prosecution in Poland. First it presents the origin and models of presently existing public prosecution. Later on it focuses on the principles and legal basis for the organization and functioning of the Polish Prosecution, paying special attention to the reforms, which have been introduced in the recent years. The paper also discusses the structure of the Polish Prosecution, its functions, the principles of prosecutors’ disciplinary liability, the status of prosecutors, their trainees, assessors and assistants. It also presents some reflections on the model of the Prosecution existing in Poland at present. Key words: model of public prosecution, principles of the prosecution organization and functioning, prosecution legal basis, reform of the prosecution, organization and functions of the prosecution, status of prosecutors, trainees, assessors and assistants, disciplinary liability.

Author Biography

Serzhanova Viktoriya, Faculty of Law and Administration University of Rzeszow (Poland)
Faculty of Law and Administration University of Rzeszow (Poland)
How to Cite
VIKTORIYA, Serzhanova. THE MODEL OF PROSECUTION IN POLAND. Anales Universitatis Apulensis Series Jurisprudentia, [S.l.], n. 16, dec. 2013. ISSN 1514-4075. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.